Vaccines for all (Uber + White House)
Role: Design lead, including content design ♢♢ Timeline: 2 days, launched May 24, 2021
User problem
It’s a chore to get vaccinated because I don’t have an easy way to get there.
Remove barriers to vaccine equity and improve US vaccination rates as our Rides business and economy recover
✅ Offer full E2E UX within 2 days to meet Biden administration’s timeline
✅ Don’t pass on headaches of promo eligibility to the user, i.e. validating whether trip to Target is for a vaccine or new headphones
✅ Carefully clarify that Uber is not scheduling vaccine appointments, only offering you an on-demand ride to a vaccine site
What I did
💡 Brought together Design, Eng, Legal, and Product teams to define core product features
💡 Championed integrating terms and conditions into the flow contextually (can you find them?) to make sure eligibility is clear
💡 Designed “to” / “from” paradigm to avoid complex eligibility validation for each leg of the round-trip rides
Why it matters
⭐️ Helped thousands of Americans get vaccinated in the first week of the program!
⭐️ Created more effective and engaged working relationship with Legal team, bringing them right into Figma (a first for us)